Pizza, pizza, and more pizza.

Apr 14, 2018

You know what’s delicious? Pizza. 

Pepperoni pizza, sausage pizza, mushroom pizza… ALL THE PIZZA! 

I was recently surrounded by pizza in Italy and yes, I ate it in almost every city we visited, and yes, it was incredibly delicious! 

But guess what… you don’t have to travel all the way to get delicious pizza whenever you want. Just look at all the pizza members of Your Dinner is Planned have been cooking up!

Nearly every week, someone in the Your Dinner Is Planned (YDIP) Members-Only Facebook group posts another amazing picture of mouthwatering pizza they made using the YDIP recipe, and I get the hankering to cook my own serving of cheesy goodness.  

And the best part? This pizza is made without all the unnecessary crap, so you can get this on the table without the guilt! 

Here’s some more pizza inspiration for you:


I’m literally posting just to talk about pizza, because it’s delicious. So tell me… what’s YOUR favorite type of pizza? Reply back and let me know!


Peace, Love, and Pizza,



P.S. Want delicious and healthy recipes (like pizza!) every single week?


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