Who surrounds you?

Nov 19, 2017

This week I spent two full days in a room for of chandeliers, flashing lights, the song "Everything Is Awesome" on repeat, and an immense amount of positive energy.

I was attending a business workshop where entrepreneurs gathered to learn, become inspired to take action, and meet other like-minded individuals who aspire to impact others across the globe.

Sitting next to so many positive individuals had me thinking about the power of community… the power of a support system… and the power of being around others who believe in YOU.

I'm sharing this story with you, because of how this relates to EVERY area of our lives.

Who surrounds you?

Are you sharing your energy with those who support you?

Do you have a community you can turn to, to share struggles or achievements?

My "ask" of this email, is that you take a moment to truly think about where your energy is focused each day (and WHO your energy is focused on).

We all deserve to have a group of people we can turn to for accountability and to share our goals with, because that support system shows us that we are not alone. A support system reminds us that if others can achieve something, why not us too?!

Beyond a support system in business, this is especially true in regards to health and fitness goals.

I desire to eat healthy, and I enjoy surrounding myself with others who enjoy learning about healthy eating, respect my decisions to eat healthy, and share their own experiences as well.

Most often when someone spreads negativity about a choice you've made, they're reflecting an insecurity of their own.

It's our role to focus on our goals, understand our own purpose for our goals, and seek others who will help us achieve our goals (even if that goal is simply to eat healthy meals each day or get active outside).

Think about something you're interested in (reading, yoga, entrepreneurship, healthy eating, traveling, etc.), and actively seek a community or a support system you can turn to.

I just wanted to pop into your inbox to share my recent experience, and I'd love to hear what type of community you are involved in!


P.S. Speaking of community & support, Your Dinner Is Planned is opening its doors again on Monday, 11/27 (with an incredibly awesome BONUS). Once you're a member, you receive access to the exclusive, members-only Facebook Community full of incredible support and accountability (and delicious recipes)!

>>> Be sure you're on the waitlist HERE!

P.P.S. I have some very exciting news coming on Thursday of this week, so keep your eyes open for another email… you won't want to miss this opportunity!


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